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Crew showed courage and aircraft rescued crew
Scientific-production association (NPO) «AeroVolga» (Krasniy Yar village, Samara region) is a manufacturer of modern amphibious aircr... 04.2011
Flying magazine
... 10.2010
Magazine Asas № 56
... 09.2010
Piloot en vliegtuig
... 06.2010
ILA-2010 Berlin
8-13 of June, “Aerovolga” was presented on one of the biggest european international shows ILA-2010 Berlin, Germany. “Aerovolga&r... 05.2010
La-8 (factory plate 006) trials were conducted in Volga river estuary for delivery of fishing tourists directly to the fishing spot, to fish from t... 04.2010
Scientific and Production Association «AeroVolga» represented its amphibian aircraft LA-8 on its own stand AERO-2010 – Europe&rsq... 03.2010
Conference “Aviation in India 2010”
Scientific and production association AeroVolga took part in the second International Civil Aircraft Exhibition and Conference “Aviation in I... 02.2010
Aircraft LA-8, factory number 006 got certificate of airworthiness.
Assembly of the next aircraft began. Estimated release date is 15^th of May, ... 01.2010
Aircraft with serial number 002 arrived to the factory for scheduled maintenance and service bulletins release after three years of operation.
Th... 2009
An overhaul of the aircraft Cessna was accomplished at the plant with full repainting in a painting chamber.
Aircraft LA-8, factory number 006 h... 2008
At present the main task of the enterprise is to obtain the type certificate for the plane LA-8. The type certificate corresponds entirely to FAR-2... 2007
In September the works moved from the rented areas to its own Airdrom-plant Complex Krasny Yar of the Samara Region. The runway: asphalt – 40... 2006
International Aviation Show of the Hydro Aviation
Licenses for the scientific-production association „AeroVolga“ are obtained from the Federal Industrial Agency of Russia for the workin... 2005
In October in Krasnoyarsk District of Samara Region the scientific-production association „AeroVolga“ started building its Airdrom-plan... 2003
The first flight tests of the LA-8 were carried out successfully. The takeoff from the water airdrome showed good characteristics: exit to the glid... 2003
The project of the LА-8 is laid (took part in the International Aviation-cosmic show MACS-2003). It’s an eight-place amphibian. 2002
Foundation of the Company. Developmental work, tests of the prototype of the six-place L-6. Стр: << < 1 2